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rent or buy?

How renting equipment from Sterling can save you time, worry, and money.

The pros and cons of renting versus buying.

Everyone’s home and lifestyle are unique. Renting can offer flexibility, peace of mind, and savings.

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Why rent?

There are a few scenarios in which a case can be made for renting instead of buying equipment: steep upfront costs, the presence of hard water (causing increased wear and tear), or simply a lack of interest in ownership.


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No upfront costs, only consistent monthlies.

Enjoy more steady home temperatures and comfort, and see your bills reduced without a significant investment upfront.

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All maintenance and repairs are fully covered as part of your rental.

We proactively call to schedule periodic maintenance on your equipment and catch breakdowns before they happen.

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24/7 emergency servicing at no cost.

Sterling will immediately repair or even replace equipment, ensuring your comfort is interrupted as little as possible.

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Buy out your equipment any time.

This is an open-ended agreement in which you're gaining equity as you rent. If you sell your home, you can transfer the equipment to the new owners or buy out the remaining balance.


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Ownership adds value.

If you know you may be selling your home in the next 3-5 years, having an owned A/C system as part of the sale will certainly add value to your home.

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Take advantage of Sterling's competitive pricing and promotions.

We offer competitive pricing on all major brands and types of A/C units and systems. Get $1000 off select units, and receive a free smart thermostat with the installation of any A/C system.

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Purchase your own service and maintenance as needed.

Often, equipment manufacturers require annual maintenance to uphold the factory warranty. Additionally, modern systems frequently require periodic examination of sensors and other electronics to ensure proper function and maximum efficiency.

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Hear from our customers

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We have HVAC systems experts available that would be happy to share their knowledge, answer questions, and suggest solutions for Furnaces, Water Heaters, and A/C.
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Sterling technician changes air filter

Prefer to own but want peace of mind? SterlingCare plans start as low as $9.99/month.

Take back control, predictability, and peace of mind that comes with a SterlingCare Maintenance Plan for your A/C system.